Using Python crontab correctly

In this post, we are going to examine how to setup python-crontab correctly and debugging for possible errors and how to resolve them.

For the uninitiated, python-crontab is a python package for editing cron table aka crontab used for scheduling the jobs run by cron.

I have setup a cron job which runs for every hour. I have a file that contains the following code and sets up crontable entry to run for every hour.

from crontab import CronTab
import os
import sys

if __name__ == "__main__":
    cron = CronTab(user=os.getlogin())
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '')
    output_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'crontab.output')
    os.chmod(path, 775)
    comment = "EveryHour"
    job ='cd {} && {} {} > {} 2>&1 '.format(cwd, sys.executable, path, output_file), comment=comment)

The following are the key takeaways while developing the solution.

  1. Instead of hard coding the user argument, I get the logged-in user with os.getlogin()

  2. I am writing only a single entry into cron table, so I want to make this operation idempotent. hence cron.remove_all().

  3. You can also use crontab -l to list the cron table entries and crontab -r to remove all entries, and while crontab -e to edit the table entries manually. I recommend these commands while diagnosing not to update a table entry. Because it is very easy to go wrong or introduce unnecessary line ending(s).

  4. I am assigning the executing permissions to with os.chmod(path, 775).

  5. If you are in a virtual environment, your site-packages may not available to virtual environ python installation if you use /usr/local/bin/python. So it is always better to get the virtual env python executable with the sys.executable.

  6. cd cwd is perfectly fine because I want cron to go into that directory before executing the command.

  7. 2>&1 and output_file help us diagnosing the output/error logs while cron running.

  8. The command job.every.hour(1) runs file every first minute of an hour.

  9. While it is unrealistic to wait for an hour to check for cron, so change job.every.hour(1) to job.every.minute(1) for debugging.

  10. And run stat output_file to see updated timestamps.

I hope this helps.

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